Wednesday, February 08, 2006

4 Me?

Okay, so Ms. Halushki the
stinker meme-ed me. I'm not even sure how to punctuate that. I'm
sure Sister Mary Ann is rolling in her grave after all those lessons on sentence diagrams and correct punctuation in 7th grade language arts at Holy Family. "Jesus-Mary-Joseph! She can't figure out the difference between a verb and a noun. Oh, father in heaven! She can't figure out when to put a comma or hyphen. Save us Lord Jesus."

Anyway back to this *meme* thing. I guess you just dive into it and
start yabbering about yourself.

Four Jobs I've had... hmmmm... keeping this PG right?

  1. Lifeguard/Swim Instructor/City Pool Manager by day cocktail waitress by

  2. Residence Life Coordinator at large University (read -Dorm Babysitter)

  3. Therapist and Biofeedback Instructor

  4. Human napkin for my offspring

Four Movies I could watch over and over

  1. Moonstruck

  2. Joy Luck Club

  3. Fried Green Tomatoes

  4. Like Water for Chocolate

Four Places I've Lived

  1. Denver, Colorado

  2. Rome, Italy

  3. Manhattan.....................Kansas

  4. Cumming, Iowa (I'm not kidding it really exists... and it is spelled that way. I always blushed when I wrote down my return address)

Four Places I've vacationed

  1. Banff, Canada

  2. Disney World

  3. Venice, Italy

  4. Gulf Shores, AL between hurricanes...

Four favorite dishes

  1. Shrimp scampi and stuffed Artichokes with a Pinot and warm French bread

  2. Tomatoes fresh from the garden... still warm from the sun... with salt and pepper with some fresh mozzarella and a drizzle of evoo

  3. Ben & Jerry Cherry Garcia and a slice of devil's food cake - I know you think it's dessert but for me it's the entree

  4. DH's chicken and sausage gumbo - I proposed to him after tasting it for the first time and we weren't even dating... seriously.

Four websites I visit daily

  1. CNN (it's an illness)

  2. Google

  3. Work database website


Four places I'd rather be

  1. Hawaii

  2. Disney World

  3. Small Cafe in Paris - drinking cafe au lait and eating a fresh croissant
    with butter

  4. Having lunch with a friend on Pearl Street in Boulder, CO

Four people I'm tagging: Everyone I know who blogs has been tagged

  1. Husband - who told me to forget it. He's swamped at

  2. Salty


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